
Super Resolution

Olympus IXplore SpinSR10 + Microdissection & Photomanipulation

The Olympus IXplore SpinSR10 spinning disk confocal super resolution microscope is designed to provide super resolution (down to 120nm XY resolution) and prolonged cell viability in confocal time-lapse imaging due to less phototoxicity and bleaching.

The microscope has been adapted with a Rapp OptoElectronic UGA-42 Caliburn 355/42 pulsed laser (355nm, 1kHz, 42µJ/pulse) to perform ablation and microdissection and with a UGA‑42 Geo module for localized photomanipulation.


4x/0.16 UPLXAPO | Air | WD: 13mm

10x/0.40 UPLXAPO | Air | WD: 3.1mm

20x/0.80 UPLXAPO | Air | WD: 0.6mm

40x/1.30 UPLFLN | • Oil | WD: 0.2mm

60x/1.42 UPLXAPO | • Oil | WD: 0.15mm

100x/1.30 UPLFLN | • Oil | WD: 0.2mm

100x/1.50 UPLAPO | • Oil | WD: 0.12mm



· Resolution 2304px x 2304px

· Pixel Size: 6.5µm x 6.5µm

· Effective Area: 14.976mm × 14.976mm

· Bit depth: 16bit

Laser Lines

Coherent OBIS Series

405 nm | Diode | 50mW

488 nm | Diode | 100mW

561 nm | Diode | 100mW

640 nm | Diode | 100mW

Photomanipulation Laser Lines

LDI-4 Series

405 nm | Diode | 300mW

470 nm | Diode | 1W

555 nm | Diode | 1W

640 nm | Diode | 450mW

Confocal Filters

Ex: Multi-band 405 - 488 - 561 - 640

Em: Band-pass 447/60 | 525/50 | 586/20 | 617/73 | 655/40 | 685/40

Widefield Light Source

CoolLed pE-300ultra

Widefield Filters

Ex: BP 352-402 | BS: 4090 | Em: LP 409

Ex: BP 460-480 | BS: 495 | Em: BP 495-540

Ex: BP 530-550 | BS: 570 | Em: LP 575

Ex: BP 565-585 | BS: 595 | Em: BP 600-690

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STED Microscope for SUSHI

A custom-built Stimulated Emission Depletion (STED) microscope designed for super-resolution shadow imaging (SUSHI) experiments. The microscope is mounted on an optical bench and based on a Leica DMI-8 body.


93x/1,30 HC PL APO motCORR STED WHITE  | Glyc | WD: 0.30mm




Laser Lines

488 nm

590 nm | Depletion Laser

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Single Molecule Localization Microscopy (SMLM)

ONI Nanoimager

The ONI Nanoimager is a compact microscope suitable for Single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) experiments, including dStorm, PALM or DNA-PAINT, Single Particle Tracking (SPT), smFRET, HILO or TIRF.

This easy-to-use microscope permits a quick start for imaging, no alignment or calibrations required and real time data build up making it a flexible device for different imaging & illumination modes for either fixed and live cell imaging, and programmable workflows.


100x/1.45 UPLXAPO | • Oil | WD: 0.13mm


Hamamatsu ORCA Flash 4 v.3

· Resolution 2048px x 2048px

· Pixel Size: 6.5µm x 6.5µm

· Effective Area: 13.312mm x 13.312mm

· Bit depth: 16bit

Laser Lines

405 nm | Diode | 18mW

488 nm | Diode | 1W

561 nm | Diode | 750mW

638 nm | Diode | 1W

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Confocal & Two-Photon

Leica Confocal TCS SP5 + Two-Photon

The Leica TCS SP5 is an advanced confocal microscope suitable for scanning fixed samples and live cell imaging.

The microscope is equipped with 3 PMT, 2 Hybrid and 2 APD detectors and has been adapted with a Mai-Tai DeepSee Infrared Laser to perform Multiphoton Microscopy and with a Becker & Hickl Simple-Tau 830 TCSPC system to carry out FLIM, FCS and FCCS experiments.


10x/0.22 HI PL I Ph1 | Air | WD: 7.8mm

10x/0.30 HC PL FLUOTAR | Air | WD: 11mm

20x/0.30 HI PL I Ph1 | Air | WD: 3mm

20x/0.70 HC PL APO CS | Air | WD: 0.59mm

40x/0.60 HCX PL FL L CORR | Air | WD: 3.3-1.9mm

40x/0.75 HCX PL APO U-V-I | Air | WD: 0.28mm

40x/0.85 HCX PL APO CS CORR | Air | WD: 0.24mm

63x/1.20 W HCX PL APO CS CORR | Water | WD: 0.22mm

63x/1.30 Glyc HCX PL APO CS | Glyc | WD: 0.28mm

100x/1.30 Oil HCX PL FLUOTAR | • Oil | WD: 0.13mm



2 GaAsP Hybrid Detectors


Laser Lines

405 nm | Pulsed Diode | 3mW (avg.)

458 nm | Argon | 65mW

476 nm | Argon | 65mW

488 nm | Argon | 65mW

496 nm | Argon | 65mW

514 nm | Argon | 65mW

543 nm | HeNe | 5mW

633 nm | HeNe | 10mW

690-1040nm | Ti:Sapphire | 2.4W (avg.)


Acousto Optical Beam Splitter (AOBS)

Widefield Filters

Ex: BP 340-380 | BS: 400 | Em: LP 425

Ex: BP 450-490 | BS: 510 | Em: LP 515

Ex: BP 515-560 | BS: 580 | Em: LP 590

Ex: BP 590-650 | BS: 660 | Em: BP 663-738

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Structured Illumination Microscopy (SIM)

Zeiss Axio Observer 7 + Apotome 3

The Zeiss Axio Observer 7 is a standard widefield fluorescence microscope equipped with a Zeiss Apotome 3, capable of producing optical sections of a fluorescent specimen by removing the out-of-focus light using structured Illumination.


10x/0.25 LD A-Plan Ph1 | Air | WD: 8.5mm

20x/0.40 LD Plan-Neofluar Corr Ph2 | Air | WD: 7.4-8.4mm

20x/0.80 PL APO | Air | WD: 0.55mm

40x/0.55 LD A-Plan Ph2 | Air | WD: 2mm

40x/0.95 Plan Apo Corr | Air | WD: 0.25mm

63x/1.40 Oil Plan Apo | Oil | WD: 0.19mm


Axiocam 503 Mono

· Resolution 1936px x 1460px

· Pixel Size: 4.54µm x 4.54µm

· Effective Area: 8.80mm x 6.60mm

· Bit depth: 14bit

Light Source

Colibri 5 RGB-UV LED

385 nm | 475 nm | 555 nm | 630 nm


Ex: BP 370-410 | BS: 420 | Em: BP 430-470

Ex: BP 450-490 | BS: 495 | Em: BP 500-550

Ex: BP 538-562 | BS: 570 | Em: BP 570-640

Ex: BP 625-655 | BS: 660 | Em: BP 665-715

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Nikon Eclipse TE-2000

The Nikon Eclipse TE-2000 is a standard epifluorescence microscope, capable of acquiring fixed specimen and live cell imaging.


10x/0.25 CFI Plan Fluor | Air | WD: 16mm

20x/0.40 LWD | Air | WD: 3mm

20x/0.45 ELWD S Plan Fluor | Air | WD: 8.2-6.9mm

40x/1.30 Oil S Fluor | Oil | WD: 0.22mm

60x/1.49 Oil Plan APO TIRF | Oil | WD: 0.12mm


Leica DFC360 FX 

· Resolution 1392px x 1040px

· Pixel Size: 6.45µm x 6.45µm

· Effective Area: 9.00mm x 6.70mm

· Bit depth: 12bit

Light Source

CoolLed pE-300white


Ex: BP 436/10 | BS: 455 | Em: LP 475

Ex: BP 482/35 | BS: 505 | Em: LP 520

Ex: BP 531/40 | BS: 562 | Em: BP 590/40

Ex: BP 562/40 | BS: 593 | Em: BP 624/40

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Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM)

JPK Nanowizard UltraSpeed AFM

Mounted on a Zeiss Axio Observer 7 equipped with a Zeiss Apotome 3, the JPK Nanowizard UltraSpeed Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) enables the tracking of changes in the specimen in real time.


10x/0.25 LD A-Plan Ph1 | Air | WD: 8.5mm

20x/0.40 LD Plan-Neofluar Corr Ph2 | Air | WD: 7.4-8.4mm

20x/0.80 PL APO | Air | WD: 0.55mm

40x/0.55 LD A-Plan Ph2 | Air | WD: 2mm

40x/0.95 Plan Apo Corr | Air | WD: 0.25mm

63x/1.40 Oil Plan Apo | Oil | WD: 0.19mm


Axiocam 705 Mono

· Resolution 2464px × 2056px

· Pixel Size: 3.45µm x 3.45µm

· Effective Area: 8.50mm x 7.10mm

· Bit depth: 14bit


· Resolution 1920px × 1200px

· Pixel Size: 5.86µm x 5.86µm

· Effective Area: 11.25mm x 6.33mm

· Bit depth: 12bit

Light Source

Colibri 5 RGB-UV LED

385 nm | 475 nm | 555 nm | 630 nm


Ex: BP 370-410 | BS: 420 | Em: BP 430-470

Ex: BP 457-484 | BS: 495 | Em: BP 500-550

Ex: BP 450-490 | BS: 495 | Em: BP 570-640

Ex: BP 538-562 | BS: 570 | Em: BP 572-642

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Alvéole Primo 2 Micropatterning System

Mounted on a Nikon Ti2 widefield fluorescence microscope, the Alvéole Primo 2 allows, all in a single device, micropatterning, hydrogel polymerization and microfabrication, to create bespoke in vitro cellular microenvironments or to get better cell models for cell biology experiments or electron cryotomography studies.


10x/0.25 CFI Plan Fluor | Air | WD: 16mm

20x/0.40 LWD | Air | WD: 3mm

20x/0.45 ELWD S Plan Fluor | Air | WD: 8.2-6.9mm

40x/1.30 Oil S Fluor | Oil | WD: 0.22mm

60x/1.49 Oil Plan APO TIRF | Oil | WD: 0.12mm


Hamamatsu ORCA Flash 4 LT+

· Resolution 2048px x 2048px

· Pixel Size: 6.5µm x 6.5µm

· Effective Area: 13.312mm x 13.312mm

· Bit depth: 16bit

Light Source

CoolLed pE-300white


Ex: BP 375/28 | BS: 415 | Em: BP 460/60

Ex: BP 470/40 | BS: 500 | Em: BP 535/50

Ex: BP 540/25 | BS: 565 | Em: BP 605/55

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Light Sheet

Light Sheet Microscope

... Installation in Progress ...

A custom-built Selective Plane Illumination Microscope (SPIM), for living or clarified organisms, for imaging at fixed magnification with water dipping objectives.

Image Analysis

Image Analysis Workstation Pro

CPU: Intel Xeon W-2255 3.70GHz (10 Cores)

RAM: 512GB

GPU: Nvidia RTX A4000 16GB

Software: Bitplane Imaris 9.7 Core Facility, Huygens Essentials 21.04, Matlab R2021a, JPK Data Processing, FiJi/ImageJ, QuPath, Icy, Ilastik, CellProfiler, Leica LAS X Core, Nikon NIS-Elements viewer, Zeiss Zen Lite, FLIMFit, SPCImage, Agave 3D, Blender...

Image Analysis Workstation Lite

CPU: Intel Xeon E5-1650 3.2Ghz (6 Cores)


GPU: Nvidia GTX970 4GB

Software: Matlab R2017b, JPK Data Processing, FiJi/ImageJ, QuPath, Icy, Ilastik, CellProfiler, Leica LAS X Core, Nikon NIS-Elements viewer, Zeiss Zen Lite, FLIMFit, SPCImage, Agave 3D, Blender...

3D Printing

Formlabs Form 3+

Form 3+ is a resin 3D printer that uses improved SLA technology.

The Form 3+ is characterized by creating prototypes on a larger scale with a printing volume of 145x145x185 mm and by manufacturing final pieces with industrial quality.

The LFS (Low Force Stereolithography) printing technology uses linear lighting and a flexible tank to convert liquid resin into solid parts. The part in charge of lighting is the LPU (Light Processing Unit), a single module that contains all the parts (lenses, mirrors and laser) that are needed to solidify the resin during the manufacturing of a part with a laser power of 250 mW and a precision in an XY plane of 25 μm.

This system offers sharp and clean characteristics as the high-power laser passes through a filter and ensures a concentrated laser spot. The parabolic mirror ensures that the projection of the laser on the manufacturing plane is always perpendicular, which ensures maximum printing quality and the exact reproduction of the design to be manufactured.

Microscopía Óptica Avanzada | Microscopía Confocal | Microscopía de Super Resolución | Microscopía de 2 Fotones | Microscopía de Fuerza Atómica | Micropatronaje | Impresión 3D | Análisis de Imagen en Microscopía