News & Events
The Advanced Light Microscopy Node Bilbao (ALM@BIO) is one of the five new Spanish Nodes approved by Euro-BioImaging
January 30, 2024
The Advanced Light Microscopy Node Bilbao (ALM@BIO) is one of the five new Spanish Nodes approved by the Euro-BioImaging Board in early January 2024, bringing the official Node count to 41. These five new Nodes, which provided services during Euro-BioImaging’s interim operation, have come onboard following Spain’s membership to Euro-BioImaging ERIC in December 2023. The Spanish Node community is made up of four biological imaging Nodes and one biomedical imaging Node.
The Spanish Nodes are located in three cities across Spain, including Bilbao, Valencia and Barcelona. Together they offer a wide range of light microscopy services, with ability to image samples from live cells to mesoscopic samples and small animals, including super-resolution nanoscopy. The medical Node provides population imaging services including cloud-based computational services with access to high-performance computer clusters, multi-level storage service and archive.
“We are thrilled and deeply honored to become a part of the European imaging community. Our team is eagerly looking forward to collaborating with esteemed colleagues across the various nodes in Europe. Together, we aim to conduct exceptional scientific research and drive innovation in the field of imaging technologies,” say Artur Escalada, of the Biofisika Institute (CSIC-UPV/EHU) in Bilbao, a representative of the Spanish Nodes, and Iban Ubarretxena, Director of Biophisics Biscay Foundation and national coordinator.
Spain’s membership to Euro-BioImaging ERIC has been achieved during the Spanish presidency of the European Union. “It has been a long process,” says Inmaculada Figueroa on behalf of the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, Kingdom of Spain. “All the Spanish partners congratulate us for this and are eager to start the year engaged actively in Euro-BioImaging ERIC activities.”
- 2024-APR:
STEDYCON Demo at Biofisika Institute
The STEDYCON will be available next April-May at Biofisika Institute for those interested in testing the system.
The Demo will be opened for all internal and external users with the following schedule:
🗓️ From April, Mon 22 to May, Wed 29, 2024
📍 Biofisika Institute (🗺️ view map)
🕒 Morning Slot: 9.00 - 13.00* | Afternoon Slot: 14:00 - 18:00*
*The times are for guidance only
- 2024-MAR:
Abberior STEDYCON Technology seminar at Biofisika Institute
On Friday, March 15th at 11 am Frédéric Eghiaianf from Abberior Instruments will introduce the Abberior STEDYCON Microscope System in a Technology Seminar to be held at the Atrium of the Biofisika Institute.
🗓️ March, Wed 15, 2024, 11:00h
📍 Atrium (Biofisika Institute) (🗺️ view map)
📄 “Abberior STEDYCON Technology seminar”
🗣️ Frédéric Eghiaianf (Abberior Instruments)
The STEDYCON upgrades any widefield system to a confocal microscope and STED nanoscope with a resolution down to 30 nm. All that’s required is a free camera port and a good objective lens. With its super-intuitive user interface, the STEDYCON provides an intelligent microscope platform that enables everyone to acquire superb superresolution images after only minutes of training.
The STEDYCON will be available next April-May at Biofisika Institute for those interested in testing the system.
- 2023-OCT:
SPAOM 2023
Do you use microscopes? Want to learn about the latest microscopy innovations and how they are being used in research? Want to try AI image analysis tools? Then, SPAOM is for YOU!
Microscopy is at the forefront of scientific research and new technologies and applications come to the market every year.
The Spanish and Portuguese Advanced Optical Microscopy Meeting (SPAOM2023), which will take place from 25 to 27 October 2023 in the Gambelas Campus of the University of Algarve (Faro, Portugal), aims to promote new insights in microscopy applications, developments and technologies, fostering interactions and collaborations between students, scientific community and industry.
The conference will include poster and oral sessions, with invited speakers and YOUR contributions, industry workshops (with demos), community workshops (YOUR tools, applications and solutions that can help us solve existing problems) and exhibition hall.
You can check the preliminary programme here:
There will also be a satellite event - ZEISS Lightsheet Microscopy & Image Processing Workshop - after the meeting (27-28 October):
Separate registration. You do not need to register for the SPAOM 2023 meeting to attend the ZEISS satellite event.
Important dates:
- Early Bird SPAOM Registration deadline: September 21st.
- Early Bird Satellite Event Registration deadline: September 21st.
- Abstract submission for oral communications deadline: September 21st.
- Abstract submission for posters deadline: October 10th.
- Registration Deadline: October 10th.
- 2023-APR:
Training Alvéole Primo 2 micropatterning system (February 2023)
A new Alvéole Primo 2 micropatterning system has been installed at Instituto Biofisika (CSIC, UPV/EHU) to be part of the equipments and services provided by our optical microscopy facility (BRALM).
The training of use of the system will be held next 1st and 2nd February 2023. Please, those interested in attending the training, send an email to us to get more information about the schedule.
The Alvéole Primo 2 is a photopatterning system performing micropatterning, microfabrication and hydrogel polymerization. Developed by Alvéole scientists after the LIMAP technology (Strale P.O. et al, Adv Mater. 2016), the PRIMO maskless photopatterning system (DMD based) can engineer custom in vitro cell microenvironments through three techniques: micropatterning, hydrogel structuration and microfabrication. Primo 2 allows epi-fluorescence microscopy and faster performances. Micropatterning, hydrogel polymerization and microfabrication, all in a single device. Create bespoke in vitro cellular microenvironments and get better cell models for cell biology experiments or cryo-ET studies.
More information about Primo 2 can be found in their website:
- 2023-FEB:
Training Alvéole Primo 2 micropatterning system (February 2023)
A new Alvéole Primo 2 micropatterning system has been installed at Instituto Biofisika (CSIC, UPV/EHU) to be part of the equipments and services provided by our optical microscopy facility (BRALM).
The training of use of the system will be held next 1st and 2nd February 2023. Please, those interested in attending the training, send an email to us to get more information about the schedule.
The Alvéole Primo 2 is a photopatterning system performing micropatterning, microfabrication and hydrogel polymerization. Developed by Alvéole scientists after the LIMAP technology (Strale P.O. et al, Adv Mater. 2016), the PRIMO maskless photopatterning system (DMD based) can engineer custom in vitro cell microenvironments through three techniques: micropatterning, hydrogel structuration and microfabrication. Primo 2 allows epi-fluorescence microscopy and faster performances. Micropatterning, hydrogel polymerization and microfabrication, all in a single device. Create bespoke in vitro cellular microenvironments and get better cell models for cell biology experiments or cryo-ET studies.
More information about Primo 2 can be found in their website:
- 2022-JUL:
EMBO Workshop: Birth and fission of cellular compartments (July 25 & 29, 2022)
Growth and division of compartments is a built-in and defining feature of all living systems. The earliest forms of life manage division by mechanisms resembling separation of colloidal particles. More advanced life forms utilize sophisticated and powerful protein artworks to sort, organize and divide molecular ensembles leading to the birth and fission of cellular compartments. That extant life forms display both these phenomena, evidenced in the growth and division of lipid droplets, condensates, organelles and cells, suggests that these pathways have met, competed and possibly developed alliances throughout evolution. We have learned a lot from the birth and fission of compartments, both in its native and reconstructed forms. Recent breakthroughs on the behavior of nanoconfined membrane systems and condensates to structural-function analyses on mechanoenzymes, highlight the interdisciplinary and multifaceted nature of this process that is beginning to be appreciated by a large community. Importantly, such research has inspired technological advances in experimental techniques and the development of smart materials or templates that embody principles of self-replicating living matter. This EMBO Workshop intends to gather leaders in the fields of cell and computational biology, physics and engineering to reveal and discuss the nature and mechanisms by which compartments form and divide. In doing so, we intend to develop a unified language to understand this fascinating phenomenon that is essential to life.
More Info at:
- 2022-JUN:
8th International Iberian Biophysics Congress (June 20 & 21, 2022)
The 8th International Iberian Biophysics Congress will take place in Bilbao, on the 20th-21st of June 2022, in an in-person format. The meeting is being organised as a joint effort by the Portuguese and Spanish Biophysical Societies and brings together researchers and students based in the Iberian Peninsula and Europe, who are interested in and working on the most recent advances in the field of Biophysics.
More Info at:
- 2022-APR:
Virtual Huygens Imaging Workshop (April 20 & 21, 2022)
For those interested in acquiring knowledge about the use of the Huygens Deconvolution software that will be available with BRALM's new Image Analysis Workstation, Scientific Volume Imaging has invited us to participate in the virtual Huygens course that will be held on April 21st and 22nd.
Those interested can register, free of charge, at:
- 2021-OCT:
Olympus iXplore SpinSR10 Advanced Training
From October 4th to 5th from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm we will have an advanced training course using the new Olympus Spinning Disk that has recently arrived to the facility.
- Graphical Experiment Manager
- TruFocus (ZDC)
- Faster adquisitions
- Super Resolution Imaging
- “Wellnavigator” Module
- FRET Experiments
- Macro & MyFunctions
Those interested in attend, please, contact us at: igor.delaarada [at]
- 2021-AUG:
Next Friday, August 6th, at 10 am we have the possibility to attend an online course of the module "COUNT & MEASURE" for the Olympus Cell Sens, the software running the new Spinning Disk Confocal Super resolution microscope installed in the Institute.
Those interested in attend, please feel free to access the following Microsoft Teams Meeting:
Microsoft Teams meeting COUNT & MEASURE Basic in CELLSENS
Biofisika Institute (online), August 6th (10 am)
Join on your computer or mobile app
Click here to join the meeting
- 2021-JUN:
Ablation & Microdisection with Rapp Laser and Olympus SpinSR
The recently installed Olympus SpinSR spinning disk confocal microscope in the Biofisika Institute has been adapted with a Rapp OptoElectronic UGA-42 Caliburn 355/42 pulsed laser (355nm, 1KHz, 42µJ/pulse) to be able to perform ablation and microdissection.
To learn how to use this Laser coupled to the Spinning Disk an online training will be held next monday June 21st from 10 to 12h and from 14-16h.
Please feel free to share the link to the seminar:
I am pleased to invite you to the Rapp OptoElectronic training for the system located at the Instituto de Biofisika, Bilbao
Day: Monday, 21st of June Time: 10-12 am and 2-4 pm (CET)
To participate please use the following TeamViewer link:
Meeting ID: m046-492-21
Passwort: Nj2HXey6
- 2021-JUN
Primo 2: Bioengineering microenvironments using light
Next June 23rd and 24th we will have a Seminar and Demos of the new Alvéole Primo 2, a photopatterning system performing micropatterning, microfabrication and hydrogel polymerization.
Developed by Alvéole scientists after the LIMAP technology (Strale P.O. et al, Adv Mater. 2016), the PRIMO maskless photopatterning system (DMD based) can engineer custom in vitro cell microenvironments through three techniques: micropatterning, hydrogel structuration and microfabrication.
PRIMO 2, is the new generation with compact footprint, new optical design allowing epi-fluorescence microscopy and faster performances. Micropatterning, hydrogel polymerization and microfabrication, all in a single device. Create bespoke in vitro cellular microenvironments and get better cell models for your cell biology experiments or cryo-ET studies.
More information about Primo 2 at:
Those interested in attend, please, contact gsagarduy [at]
Seminar (on-site & on-line): June 23rd 15:30h
Demos: June 24th*
10:00 - 11:30
12:00 - 13:30
15:00 - 16:30
*Apart from the Demos, the equipment will be available for testing at Biofisika Institute until July 23rd
- 2021-MAY:
Olympus iXplore SpinSR10 Basic Training
From May 25th to May 27th from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm we will have an online basic training course to get a preliminary contact using the new Olympus Spinning Disk that has recently arrived to the facility.
Those interested in attend, please, contact us at: igor.delaarada [at]
- 2021-APR:
Zeiss Apotome 3 Training Course
Next Friday, April 23rd, from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM, we will have an online training course to get a preliminary contact using the new Zeiss Apotome 3 that has recently arrived to the facility.
Those interested in attend, please, contact us at: igor.delaarada [at]
- 2021-MAR:
High Speed AFM Demo
Next Tuesday, March 30th, at 10:00 AM, we will have an HS-AFM technology webinar by Brucker to show the potential in biophysics research of the new HS-AFM system, NanoRace. This new HS-AFM is one of the fastest AFMs in the market (50 frames per second, you usually need minutes for one image), and moreover the instrument is straightforward to use. After the demo we are interested in knowing which groups in our center would be interested in testing the HS-AFM system by carrying out an experiment that can complement their current research work. Brucker offers to leave a demo instrument at the IBF for a few weeks so that research groups can carry whole experiments. Please, interested groups in testing the HS-AFM, contact us at: artur.escalada [at]
- 2021-FEB:
Nanolive demo Biofisika
We are very pleased to invite you to an event which will be held at the SGIker Microscopy Facility on february 25-26th. It will be organized by the Swiss company Nanolive, specialized on Holotomographic Microscopy. It is a very interesting novel technique focused on the visualization of living cells. You can find more information on the attached documents and on their web page, or you can check their amazing videos on social media (Youtube, Instagram) Due to the present situation, there will be an online webinar the previous week (February 10th at 10:00h) to introduce the technique, with no limit of assistance. However, the 25-26th demo sessions will be organised in very reduced groups, in order to take all the necessary precautions. Thus, we are afraid that the number of attendees will be limited. If you want to see the microscope in action, please book your spot as soon as possible.